Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 4 : Water

This week's subject is water... and since snow is a form of water, and there's somewhere between 12" and 19" of the crap right outside my front door right now, I have chosen to post a photo illustrated how-to on making snow ice cream.

I have been stuck inside my house for 3 full days because of the "Blizzard of Oz" this week, and instead of taking advantage of these 3 full days and doing something productive, I've been pretty darn lazy. I was determined to finish all laundry today but woke up to frozen pipes going to the washer. So instead I sat on the couch, painted toenails:

went outside for about 2 minutes for some snow shots:
and to grab some snow for some snow ice cream:
And here is how we made the delicious snow ice cream (we made a small batch):

Pour 1/2 cup of sugar into a bowl.

Add 1 cup of milk.

Add a 1/2 tablespoon of vanilla extract.

Stir it all together.

Then scoop in some fresh, clean snow.

And stir again. Keep adding snow and stirring until it gets to the consistency of homemade ice cream.

Kick back and eat an entire bowl (or not... that's just what I did).


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