Monday, February 14, 2011

Not just any rug.

I woke up yesterday excited to spend the afternoon ALONE with my hubby and a trip to Home Depot to purchase the area rug I've been wanting for months. But things didn't really go as planned.

Our afternoon alone soon changed into what I thought would be an afternoon with my hubby AND two whiney, cranky girls. And if you know me very well, you know that I get upset/angry when things don't go as planned. It's an OCD thing I think. (that's my excuse anyways) So I went from excited to bummed in no time at all. Don't get me wrong, I love my girls, but if you're a mother you know exactly what I mean when I say that I needed some time away from them and alone with my hubby (who I rarely get time alone with and works 24 hour shifts). As we pulled away from the house, I was teary-eyed.

Shortly after we left, my mom called and wanted to meet us to get the girls and take them home with her. I'm stubborn too, so I wanted to tell her not to worry about it and that they could just go with us. But I've been working really hard lately at controlling my stubbornness/OCDness. I needed the time away, right?! Even if it meant that I couldn't prove the point that I didn't need help (which is ridiculous, because everyone could use help now and then). So I hesitantly agreed to meet her.

I'm also a sucker. When Lexi decided she didn't wanna go with Nana and Papa and that she wanted to go to "Peepoe" (Depot) with Mommy and Daddy, I wanted to keep her in the truck. But I once again pushed through it and buckled her into my mom's car.

I was alone with my hubby... on our way to Home Depot... to get the area rug I'd been drooling over for months. So why on earth was I still bummed? Why did I still feel like I just wanted to cry?

I'll tell you why. Because I was disappointed in myself. Instead of taking things as they come, I obsess over what should be happening instead (according to the plan in my head). We were back to the original plan, but that's not how we were supposed to get there and apparently that wasn't good enough for me.

And I tell you all of this because of what I'm about to tell you below.

We had a little extra money this week and my hubby wanted to buy me that rug because I've been wanting it for so long. And though we probably should have planned to put that extra money towards something like a new front door (since the one we have is drafty and not very efficient), I wanted this rug. (to complete the living room, of course. It's the artist/designer in me...)

My sister wanted us to stop by her house before we went to Home Depot. But that wasn't in my plan either and instead of just going with the flow, I kept asking her why. She wouldn't tell me and finally decided to just meet us there. She messaged me as we got there and told me to check in at the front desk. Check in? I was hoping she wasn't trying to make me look like an idiot but as I walked up to the front desk, I saw MY rug with a card attached and my name on the front. I asked the associate for the card and turned around (I had a feeling I would cry... I was already having an emotional day.) My very best friends (including my sister and her husband) put their money together and purchased the rug. Just for me. 

You see, I have a camera. And every year I am more than happy to get my closest friends together and take family photos for them. Free of charge. They all do so much for me throughout the year (watching my kids, giving me a shoulder to cry on, just being themselves, etc.) that I feel like it's my payback to them. And honestly, I would much rather give than receive. It makes my heart happy to know that something I do makes someone else happy.

But do you know how happy my heart was yesterday when I realized that I have the best friends a girl could ask for?! And the amazing parents that I have been blessed with (they knew about my surprise, and knew I needed some time alone with my hubby). And do you know how happy my heart is today, knowing that no matter what happens... if my plans are changed, or if my day isn't going exactly as it should, I still have the greatest people around me... to put me in my place and make me realize that I have it pretty darn good (even if they didn't know I was having a bad day).

And do you know how awesome my living room looks now with that awesome new rug and a new front door?! (we decided to use the funds for the door since we didn't need to buy the rug!)

So, to my sneaky little friends, I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you for not only giving me the rug, but for making me realize just how lucky I am to have you all in my life.

If you see any of these people, be sure to tell them how awesome they are!

This isn't just any rug. It's a reminder that no matter what my day throws at me, I'm never alone... because I have the coolest friends and family ever!

AND to top it all off, my wonderful, thoughtful hubby gave me the book I've been wanting for Valentine's Day! You're the best too, babe!
Next time I act like my day sucks, someone please slap me! ;)


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