Friday, March 18, 2011


The youngest of my two girls...

Isn't she cute?!

Well, I've been spending a lot of extra time with her lately and let me tell ya, she's something else. One strong-willed little girl. She's in her "terrible threes".

I think she's my husband's payback for every bad thing he's ever done... and I'm the one who gets the brunt of it the majority of the time.

(I've always been a good girl.)

Did I mention she's only 3???

BUT she's stylish.
She knows how to rock some camo rubber boots.
She wears them everywhere. With anything. In any weather.
AND she is A-OK with playing alone. As long as she has some Barbies, or dolls, or kitchen stuff, or crayons and paper... she will just play and play and play.
She's also a sweetheart. She tells me she loves me all the time and gives me kisses (sometimes she's sucking up, but still). I love her so very much....even if she does throw numerous tantrums per day.


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