Friday, March 18, 2011


The youngest of my two girls...

Isn't she cute?!

Well, I've been spending a lot of extra time with her lately and let me tell ya, she's something else. One strong-willed little girl. She's in her "terrible threes".

I think she's my husband's payback for every bad thing he's ever done... and I'm the one who gets the brunt of it the majority of the time.

(I've always been a good girl.)

Did I mention she's only 3???

BUT she's stylish.
She knows how to rock some camo rubber boots.
She wears them everywhere. With anything. In any weather.
AND she is A-OK with playing alone. As long as she has some Barbies, or dolls, or kitchen stuff, or crayons and paper... she will just play and play and play.
She's also a sweetheart. She tells me she loves me all the time and gives me kisses (sometimes she's sucking up, but still). I love her so very much....even if she does throw numerous tantrums per day.

Week 7 : ONE object shot at 5 different angles/distances

I'm pretty picky about what I shoot... like it has to have meaning or something. It's hard for me to just shoot some random object that means nothing to me. But the entire reason for this weekly bloggity thang is to step outside of my comfort zone and shoot items I wouldn't normally shoot.... like things without faces.

Maybe if I pretend it's a person it'll be easier?

So, here is Mr. Antique Milk Can. Shot at five different angles/distances. Probably not my best work, but it did the job. And now I can move onto next week's assignment! And maybe, possibly catch myself up...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 6 : Botanical

You know how hard it is to shoot something botanical and pretty when it's February/March and everything outside is still dead? Maybe that's why this week's assignment is so far behind (that's my exuse anyways)... but the other day, I noticed these cute little flowers that popped up unexpectedly next to my parents' house. I decided to get out my 50mm prime lens (the poor thing has been cooped up in the camera bag for so long) and capture the only living botanical thing(s) I've seen in months.

Shooting anything besides people is not my favorite thing to do... but I'm learning to like it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Did you vote?

I'm not a very opinionated person. That doesn't mean I don't ever have an opinion... I just don't like to voice it most of the time.

But I'm gonna voice it today!

I've never obsessed over American Idol but this season is different (yes, I totally just admitted that I'm obsessed with American Idol)... I can't decide why either. Maybe it's because they have some SUPER-TALENTED male contestants! Or maybe because I just love Steven Tyler. Or that J-Lo is so emotionally connected with the contestants. Or maybe it's because Simon Cowell is gone. I have been pleasantly surprised at how well this season is going without him. I never really liked him, but I sometimes got a kick out of his reaction to some of the auditions and I know people thrived on his rude comments.

My absolute favorite part of this season, though, is that there are some very unique guys in the top 12. Of course, I have my favorites... These five better make it to the next round or I might cry.

#1 - Casey Abrams

I love his personality. He's funny. He's incredibly talented. He's different. And he just does his thing. What he does is so natural. And he reminds me of a guy I know...

#2 - Paul McDonald

His voice is so unique. And so refreshing. I love his character. I've never seen a contestant like him on Idol. And who can resist that smile?!?!?!?!

#3 - Scotty McCreery

Who doesn't love a good ol' country boy?! ...that can sing!

#4 - James Durbin

I love me some rocker boy too! I think it's amazing that he has overcome asperger's to get where he's at. That's an accomplishment in and of itself. I have total respect for him.

And this guy... Jacob Lusk...

OMG is all I have to say. He will make it big whether he wins Idol or not.

Now I would tell you to go vote for Casey... or Paul... or Scotty... or James... but polls are closed now. *sniff, sniff*

I'm excited to see who makes it through tomorrow night! Who's with me?!?!

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